
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Commence Your Quest - Dogs of Warcry - 03
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
In episode 03 we explore all the wonders of embarking on a new quest or campaign. You’ve mustered now get ye-self a quest! Welcome, to the warband.

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Muster Your Warband - Dogs of Warcry - 02
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Dogs of Warcry is the first Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Warcry podcast, covering the fast-paced, cinematic, narrative, skirmish-game by Games Workshop. Join us for hobby discussion at themortalrealms.com/discord drop tips at themortalrealms.com/patreon.
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Patreon: patreon.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @DogsOfWarcry
Eric: @StoneMonkGamer
Josh: @JEArrington
Paul @PJSchard
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: DogsOfWarcry@gmail.com
Discord: themortalrealms.com/discord

Monday Sep 09, 2019
Warcry Anthology - Story Phase - Ep 046
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
In this episode, we are discussing the Warcry anthology, with stories by a variety of Black Library authors. Contained within are tales of warbands, of warriors, of people, who heard their own call, and the aftermath of what they decided to do about it.
The Mortal Realms crew gives our take on the first collection of stories set in the Warcry realm with a spoiler-free rundown of the details of the setting, a spoiler-full discussion of the plots, highlights from our favorite moments, and reviews from our overly-opinionated hosts.
Show Notes
Time Stamps
Just the facts (Spoiler-free): 6:03
Quick Review (Spoiler-free): 25:25
The Harrower by David Annandale (Spoiler Warning): 31:15
Method of Madness by Peter McLean (Spoiler Warning): 58:20
The Devourer’s Demand by Ben Counter (Spoiler Warning): 1:18:16
Proving Ground by Sarah Cawkwell (Spoiler Warning): 1:41:43
Eight-Tailed Naga by David Guymer (Spoiler Warning): 2:02:58
The Iron Promise by Josh Reynolds (Spoiler Warning): 2:26:46
Other Points of Interest: 2:41:27
Final Review: 2:54:49
The Brand New Mortal Realms Patreon!!!: patreon.com/themortalrealms
Tales from the Realms - Warcry: The Anthology
(some links may redirect to our affiliate partners)
“Warcry: The Anthology” can be purchased at…
Kindle version at Amazon
iBooks version at iTunes
eBook and Hardback version at Black Library
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Patreon: patreon.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
Discord: themortalrealms.com/discord
Goodreads Book Club: themortalrealms.com/bookclub

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Answer the Call - Dogs of Warcry - 01
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Dogs of Warcry is the first Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Warcry podcast, covering the fast-paced, cinematic, narrative, skirmish-game by Games Workshop. Join us for hobby discussion at themortalrealms.com/discord drop tips at themortalrealms.com/patreon.
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Patreon: patreon.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @DogsOfWarcry
Eric: @StoneMonkGamer
Josh: @JEArrington
Aaron: @Dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: DogsOfWarcry@gmail.com
Discord: themortalrealms.com/discord

Monday Aug 05, 2019
Gloomspite - Story Phase - Ep 045
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
In this episode, we are discussing Gloomspite by Andy Clark. Listener, stop for a moment and imagine the town you live in. Think of the places you know, and the people that live there. Sure, it’s got it’s problems, but all in all it’s a pretty nice place, right? Now imagine that same city under siege by a hidden force of malicious goblins intent on destroying everything you hold dear. Would those in charge be able to keep you safe? Would you survive?
Instead, let us tell you about a city in the Mortal Realms that had to face just that. Honestly, better them than you.
The Mortal Realms crew gives our take on Clark's latest Age of Sigmar novel with a spoiler-free rundown of the details of the setting, a spoiler-full discussion of the plot, highlights from our favorite moments, and reviews from our overly-opinionated hosts.
Show Notes
Time Stamps
Just the facts (Spoiler-free): 9:10
Quick Review (Spoiler-free): 23:40
Plot Discussion (Spoiler Warning): 34:10
Other Points of Interest: 2:15:57
Final Review: 2:28:28
The Brand New Mortal Realms Patreon!!!: patreon.com/themortalrealms
Tales from the Realms - Gloomspite
(some links may redirect to our affiliate partners)
“Gloomspite” can be purchased at…
Kindle version at Amazon
iBooks version at iTunes
eBook and Hardback version at Black Library
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Patreon: patreon.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
Discord: themortalrealms.com/discord
Goodreads Book Club: themortalrealms.com/bookclub

Monday Jul 08, 2019
Forbidden Power - Story Phase - Ep 044
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
In this episode we cover the lore of Forbidden Power, GW’s latest advancement of the story of the Soul Wars. The Stormvaults have been thrown wide open, and the Mortal Realms are hosting their very own version of Storage Wars. Let’s see what they find.
Show Notes
Time Stamps
What we've been up to: 1:35
Context/Background: 6:35
The Story: 1:02:08
Listener Questions: 1:47:17
Final Thoughts and Review: 1:55:35
(some links may redirect to our affiliate partners)
Forbidden Power can be purchased at…
Boxed Set at Games Workshop
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
Discord: themortalrealms.com/discord
Goodreads Book Club: themortalrealms.com/bookclub

Monday Jun 10, 2019
Hedonites of Slaanesh Battletome - Story Phase - Ep 043
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
In this episode we cover the lore of the Hedonites of Slaanesh Battletome. Get ready to hear a whole lotta narcissism, overindulgence, depravity, and lewdness. And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk about Slaanesh!
Show Notes
Time Stamps
What we've been up to: 1:25
The Story Phase - Obsessed with Slaanesh: 5:45
The Story Phase - A History of Depravity: 59:20
Units? More like Lewd-nits! Ha!: 1:25:45
Final Thoughts and Review: 1:46:38
(some links may redirect to our affiliate partners)
The Hedonites of Slaanesh Battletome can be purchased at…
Hardcover at Amazon
iBook at iTunes
Hardcover at Games Workshop
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
Discord: themortalrealms.com/discord
Goodreads Book Club: themortalrealms.com/bookclub

Sunday May 05, 2019
Scourge of Fate - Story Phase - Ep 042
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
In this episode, we are discussing Scourge of Fate by Robbie MacNiven. Did you think the Varanguard, Archaon’s elite shock troops, just sprung from the ground fully formed? Born with a Daemon blade in their hand? No! It takes time, it takes effort. It honestly takes a lot of killing. And in this book, we see just what it takes to reach that unholy order - and you thought your corporate ladder was cutthroat.
The Mortal Realms crew gives our take on MacNiven's first full Age of Sigmar novel with a spoiler-free rundown of the details of the setting, a spoiler-full discussion of the plot, highlights from our favorite moments, and reviews from our overly-opinionated hosts.
Show Notes
Time Stamps
Just the facts (Spoiler-free): 3:35
Quick Review (Spoiler-free): 17:34
Plot Discussion (Spoiler Warning): 25:24
Other Points of Interest: 2:10:14
Final Review: 2:21:15
AoS Lore Subreddit: reddit.com/r/aoslore
(some links may redirect to our affiliate partners)
“Scourge of Fate” can be purchased at…
Kindle version at Amazon
iBooks version at iTunes
eBook and Hardback version at Black Library
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
Discord: themortalrealms.com/discord
Goodreads Book Club: The Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Hamilcar: Champion of the Gods - Story Phase - Ep 041
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
In this episode, we are discussing Hamilcar: Champion of the Gods by David Guymer. At long last, the Bear-Eater has his own novel - in which he squares off against enemies and allies alike, through challenges no Stormcast has ever faced. But worry not, because when hope is lost and evil is abound, who will be victorious?
Only Hamilcar.
The Mortal Realms crew gives our take on Guymer's first Hamilcar novel with a spoiler-free rundown of the details of the setting, a spoiler-full discussion of the plot, highlights from our favorite moments, and reviews from our overly-opinionated hosts.
Show Notes
Time Stamps
Just the facts (Spoiler-free): 6:18
Quick Review (Spoiler-free): 27:53
Plot Discussion (Spoiler Warning): 36:17
Other Points of Interest: 2:36:51
Final Review: 2:41:45
Tales from the Realms: Hamilcar: Champion of the Gods
(some links may redirect to our affiliate partners)
“Hamilcar: Champion of the Gods” can be purchased at…
Kindle version at Amazon
iBooks version at iTunes
eBook and Hardback version at Black Library
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
Discord: themortalrealms.com/discord
Goodreads Book Club: The Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar

Friday Mar 22, 2019
RAW Uprising 2019 - Campaign Phase - Ep 040
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Welcome to the Mortal Realms, an Age of Sigmar Podcast. Grab your hammer so we can clear a path through the Chaos and forge our own narratives in the Age of Sigmar. Your allies through the Realm Gate this episode are Steve Foote, Mitzy, Jimbo & Eric.
In this episode, we are discussing Realms at War events, or RAW, the road leading up to the 4th Annual RAW event, what allowed these 4 NEOs to take their first leap into hosting one of the most heralded narrative AoS events on the planet, and how they continue to innovate and keep us guessing on what they’re doing next.
Like, subscribe, share or leave a review - anything you can do will spread the word of sigmar farther than we can on our own. Chat with us anytime about your thoughts on twitter @TheMortalRealms. You can listen to more episodes of the story phase, campaign phase, scrying phase and what the hex, as well as hobby content at www.themortalrealms.com
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
Eric: @stonemonkgamer
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
Goodreads Book Club: The Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar