
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Beasts of Chaos Battletome - Story Phase - Ep 029
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
In this episode we cover the lore of the Beasts of Chaos Battletome. We rampage across the mortal realms, tearing apart everything in our path, snorting, stomping, consuming, desecrating all we find, and casting written records into the dust. Then maybe we’ll remember to talk about what’s up with them Beasts!
Show Notes
Time Stamps
What we've been up to: 2:10
The Beasts Within: 6:20
Units? More like MOO-nits! Ha!: 1:18:37
Rando final thoughts: 1:30:40
(some links may redirect to our affiliate partners)
The Beasts of Chaos Battletome can be purchased at…
- Hardcover at Amazon
- iBook at iTunes
- Hardcover at Games Workshop
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
Goodreads Book Club: The Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar

Friday Sep 07, 2018
Nighthaunt Battletome - Story Phase - Ep 028
Friday Sep 07, 2018
Friday Sep 07, 2018
In this episode we cover the lore of the Nighthaunt Battletome. The souls of the dead are shotgunned from their rest because of Nagash’s necroquake, to be united by Lady Olynder inserting terror into the zeitgeist of the Mortal Realms.
Show Notes
Time Stamps
What we've been up to: 1:28
Boo! Nighthaunt! Boo!: 6:17
Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief: 27:55
Units? More like BOOnits! Ha!: 58:16
Rando final thoughts: 1:15:20
(some links may redirect to our affiliate partners)
The Nighthaunt Battletome can be purchased at…
- Hardcover at Amazon
- iBook at iTunes
- Hardcover at Games Workshop
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
Goodreads Book Club: The Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar

Monday Aug 06, 2018
Malign Sorcery - Story Phase - Ep 027
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Monday Aug 06, 2018
In this Story Phase, we discuss the AoS 2.0 Magic supplement - Malign Sorcery. Chock full of rules for new magical items, realm-based lores, and the new endless spells - the fellas again ignore all that and focus on the lore.
We discuss where and what magic is in this new age of the Age of Sigmar, and point out our favorite bits and pieces.
Show Notes
Time Stamps
What we've been up to: 2:19
Malign Sorcery: 15:14
Magic in the Mortal Realms: 23:00
Endless Spells: 53:30
Y'know, Realm stuff: 85:00
(some links may redirect to our affiliate partners)
“Malign Sorcery” can be purchased at…
- Boxed set at Amazon
- Boxed set at Games Workshop
- Malign Sorcery Book at iTunes
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
Goodreads Book Club: The Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar

Friday Jun 22, 2018
Malign Portents Stories Recap - Story Phase - Ep 026
Friday Jun 22, 2018
Friday Jun 22, 2018
In this episode, we are discussing the unprecedented collection of Malign Portents stories published by Games Workshop on MalignPortents.com. We will be sharing our favorites and discussing some overarching themes that you can see if you take a step back and look at the whole collection.
Show Notes
Time Stamps
What we've been up to: 2:45
Malign Portents thoughts: 11:50
Paul's favorite story: 33:43
Aaron's favorite story 46:16
Eric's favorite story 1:13:03
Nagash gives Paul and Aaron 'The Offer' 1:20:57
Was it a 'Success'? 1:34:00
- Malign Portents Stories: malignportents.com/stories
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
And introducing...
Goodreads Book Club: The Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar

Friday Jun 08, 2018
Nerds React to AoS 2.0 - Community Phase - Ep 025
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Friday Jun 08, 2018
In this episode Aaron, Paul and Eric react to AoS 2.0 and the preview of Soul Wars, the Nighthaunt and Sacrosanct Stormcast models, Malign Sorcery, and the General's Handbook 2018!
Show Notes
Time Stamps
What we've been up to: 2:45
The Mortal Realms Dot Com: 8:20
Age of Sigmar 2.0 Reactions: 17:30
You can read Games Workshop's preview of this and other products here: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/06/05/soul-wars-announced/
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
And introducing...
Goodreads Book Club: The Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar

Tuesday May 01, 2018
The Path to Glory by Evan Dicken - Story Phase - Ep 024
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Tuesday May 01, 2018
In this Story Phase, we discuss the Black Library eshort "Path to Glory" by Evan Dicken where we see the remnants of a great empire in the Age of Myth catch the tail end of Sigmar’s exodus into Azyr.
The Mortal Realms crew gives our take on Evan’s first story set in the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar universe with a spoiler-free rundown of the details of the setting, a spoiler-full discussion of the plot, highlights from our favorite moments, and reviews from our overly-opinionated hosts.
Show Notes
Time Stamps
Just the facts (Spoiler-free): 6:15
Quick Review (Spoiler-free): 24:34
Plot Discussion (Spoiler Warning): 30:45
Final Review: 1:47:39
(some links may redirect to our affiliate partners)
“Path to Glory” can be purchased at…
- Kindle version at Amazon
- iBooks version at iTunes
- Epub and Kindle version at Black Library
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
And introducing...
Goodreads Book Club: The Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar

Tuesday Apr 24, 2018
Idoneth Deepkin Battletome - Story Phase - Ep 023
Tuesday Apr 24, 2018
Tuesday Apr 24, 2018
I can a SHORE you, you won’t wanna MIST the most CURRENT episode we’ve DUNE to date
In this episode, we dive into the Idoneth Deepkin battletome and submerge ourselves in the lore as we fish for the secrets to these briny aelves and information on their controversial god of light, Teclis.
Idoneth Deepkin epub https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Battletome-Idoneth-Deepkin-epub-2018
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
And introducing...
Goodreads Book Club: The Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar

Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Nagash: The Undying King by Josh Reynolds - Story Phase - Ep 022
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
In this Story Phase, we discuss the Black Library novel "Nagash: The Undying King" by Josh Reynolds where we meet the followers of Nagash surviving in Shyish during the Age of Chaos, attempting to save their civilization from Nurgle’s Order of the Fly.
The Mortal Realms crew gives our take on one of the first stories set before the Age of Sigmar with a spoiler-free rundown of the details of the setting, a spoiler-full discussion of the plot, highlights from our favorite moments, and reviews from our overly-opinionated hosts.
Show Notes
Time Stamps
Just the facts (Spoiler-free): 6:15
Quick Review (Spoiler-free): 24:34
Plot Discussion (Spoiler Warning): 30:45
Final Review: 1:47:39
(some links may redirect to our affiliate partners)
“Nagash: The Undying King” can be purchased at…
- Kindle version at Amazon
- iBooks version at iTunes
- Epub, Kindle, Hardcover & Audiobook versions at Black Library
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
And introducing...
Goodreads Book Club: The Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar

Thursday Feb 08, 2018
Overlords of the Iron Dragon by C. L. Werner - Story Phase - Ep 021
Thursday Feb 08, 2018
Thursday Feb 08, 2018
In this Story Phase, we discuss the Black Library novel "Overlords of the Iron Dragon" by C. L. Werner, in which we visit the aether streams of Chamon and follow the misadventures of the crew of the cursed Ang Drak.
The Mortal Realms crew gives our take on the first story to feature the Kharadron Overlords with a spoiler-free rundown of the details of the setting, a spoiler-full discussion of the plot, highlights from our favorite moments, and reviews from our overly-opinionated hosts.
Show Notes
Time Stamps
Just the facts (Spoiler-free): 6:15
Quick Review (Spoiler-free): 24:34
Plot Discussion (Spoiler Warning): 30:45
Final Review: 1:47:39
(some links may redirect to our affiliate partners)
“Overlords of the Iron Dragon” can be purchased at…
- Paperback version at Amazon
- iBooks version at iTunes
- Epub, Kindle & Paperback versions at Black Library
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
And introducing...
Goodreads Book Club: The Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar

Friday Jan 05, 2018
Hammerhal by Josh Reynolds - Story Phase - Ep 020
Friday Jan 05, 2018
Friday Jan 05, 2018
In this Story Phase, we discuss the Black Library story "Hammerhal" by Josh Reynolds, in which we visit the Ghyran half of the twin-tailed city of Hammerhal, where the faithful of Sigmar seek to turn the changing path of Tzeentch into the road out of town for his followers.
The Mortal Realms crew gives our take on the titular story from “Hammerhal & Other Stories” with a spoiler-free rundown of the details of the setting, a spoiler-full discussion of the plot, highlights from our favorite moments, and reviews from our overly-opinionated hosts.
Show Notes
Time Stamps
Just the facts (Spoiler-free): 6:15
Quick Review (Spoiler-free): 24:34
Plot Discussion (Spoiler Warning): 30:45
Final Review: 1:47:39
(some links may redirect to our affiliate partners)
“Hammerhal & Other Stories” can be purchased at…
- Paperback version at Amazon
- Epub, Kindle, Audiobook & Paperback versions at Black Library
You want to get a hold of us? Of course you do - here’s how:
Website: themortalrealms.com
It’d really help us help you to get a review on iTunes or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Find us in your app, or head over to themortalrealms.com/review and tell us what you think.
Youtube: youtube.com/themortalrealms
Twitter: @themortalrealms
- Eric: @stonemonkgamer
- Davy: @red_zeke
- Paul: @pjschard
- Aaron @dosaceos
Facebook: facebook.com/themortalrealms
Email: mortalrealms@gmail.com
And introducing...
Goodreads Book Club: The Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar